Final Countdown to Multicultural Festival 2021, Hobart

Multicultural Council of Tasmania (MCOT) is hosting a Multicultural Festival at the Hobart Twilight Market, Long Beach, Sandy Bay, on Friday 19 February.

The one-day event will be marked by the attractive display of food and performances from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The different communities including the ethnic communities in Tasmania have been invited to come along in their traditional cultural dresses to celebrate the much-awaited multicultural festival.

Many different multicultural festivals are held annually in Australia in different months and statescelebrate cultural diversity.

It is an appropriate opportunity for the participants to express their cultural experiences and share their diverse heritage with other communities. The rich cultural diversity is the remarkable beauty of Australia and central to its national identity.

Multiculturalism acknowledges many distinct cultural or ethnic groups coexisting in harmony within a society. A multiculturalism society supports the view that many distinct cultures are good and desirable for the overall progress of any society.

The multicultural view encourages such diversity. It succeeds best in a society that has many different ethnic groups and a political system that promotes freedom of expression and awareness and understanding of cultural differences. Ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.

Australia is a multicultural country which had sacred commitment to the values of multiculturalism.

Multicultural Council of Tasmania (MCOT) is hosting a Multicultural Festival at the Hobart Twilight Market
Multicultural Council of Tasmania (MCOT) is hosting a Multicultural Festival at the Hobart Twilight Market