NINFA to Hold International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022

NINFA organises press meet in Sydney on the eve of 28th International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022, Nepalese in Sydney, Linda Burney, The Minister for Indigenous Australians in the Government of Australia
Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Forum Australis (NINFA) organises a press meeting in Sydney on the eve of the 28th International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022

A press meet was held on the eve of the 28th International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022 at Ashbury NSW. Organized by Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Forum Australis (NINFA), the event was scheduled to take place on Saturday at 5 pm on 6 August at Marrickville Town Hall 303 Marrickville Rd Marrickville NSW 2204.
The event has Lavish Constructions and Developments Pty, Ltd, Urban Homes, Metro Homes, and Partners, Expert Estate Agents, Ingleburn as the title sponsors, Profound Services Education and Migration, Latin Nepalese Cuisine, Finmor Finance, and Home Loan, Ald Corporate as Platinum Sponsors, and Ace Migration and Visa Services, Land and Lease Realty SouthWest, Gurkha Mortgage and Finance, DY Butcher Shop, Expert Education and Visa, Active Mortgage as gold sponsors.

The NINFA General Secretary Sudarshan Thapa Magar set the tone of the program. The NINFA Vice President Laxman Gurung said in his welcome speech, “On behalf of the Organisation, I would like to extend hearty thanks to all journalists and the community members who have always actively cooperated with us in our events and made positive contributions to make them presentable and successful.”

Anurag Humagain, the Principal of Lavish Constructions and Developments Pty, Ltd, Urban Homes, Metro Homes and Partners, Expert Estate Agents, Ingleburn, and the reputed entrepreneur said, “We would like to thank the distinguished organizers for the enviable opportunity and extend the best wishes for the exemplary, significant, and inspiring campaign. We are delighted to learn that you have been consistently making a significant contribution to preserving the ethnic language, culture, and costumes, and promoting shared rich native identity and cultural heritage. Our Nepalese diaspora in Australia has an ethnic mix of the local population. Though we come here from a very small country, we have different communities with distinguished ethnic values and traditional beauty. We take special pride in associating with exceptional events like 28th International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022 and would like to work together with NINFA in the future too.”

Kirat Yakthung Chumlung Australia President Ms. Shashi Subba in her speech said, “It always feels great to see that the ethnic communities under the worthy leadership of NINFA have been celebrating world indigenous day including all ethnic communities that reflect diversity in unity. We are indebted to NINFA for inviting all ethnic groups coming to Australia from different parts of Nepal to make them involved in the participatory and inclusive event. It is the moral obligation of all lovers of the beauty of ethnicity to celebrate this occasion. We would like to thank NINFA for approving our proposal and helping with the processing which has fulfilled our community’s wish to make popular artists perform in Australia. We are committed to promoting the program and making it a resounding success. Let’s continue to work collaboratively to preserve and promote our proud traditional values.”

Representing the title sponsor Expert Estate Agents, Ingleburn Managing Director, and the well-known entrepreneur Hari Adhikari said, “First and foremost, I am truly thankful to the organizer for making our team a part of this reputed and well-established annual event. I would like to extol the theme for this year’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is The role of Indigenous Women in the preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge. A mother has special merit in preserving and transforming traditional knowledge as she is everyone’s first teacher, and she spends most of the time with it. Culture is the life-blood of every civilization. Culture, a foundation or keystone of any community, is the finest expression of what it means to be human. We must make every effort to educate the coming generations on the proud values and uniqueness of their forefathers’ tradition and culture. Indigenous culture is the true pride and dignity of every nation. We are lucky that we are living in a great country where people with diverse ethnic backgrounds are living together in perfect harmony. The genuine preservation and promotion of culture take place when there is proper respect for all kinds of cultural diversity with social justice. We appreciate the collaborative efforts of all for the overall progress and goodwill of our community. We look forward to the event day for prouder experiences.”

NINFA chief advisor Ganesh Tamang, who was the chief guest, thanked all the speakers who expressed encouraging and supportive notes. While offering the vote of thanks, he observed, “There are good reasons to celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Post-World War I, the powerful western countries colonized many countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. The imperialists’ encroachment threatened the local language, culture, costumes, religions, etc., and impose their languages on the sovereign and independent nations. Post-World War II many countries launched vigorous campaigns against the colonialists, and they were forced to grant independence to their former colonies. After the establishment of UNO, human rights rose as a force to reckon with. It campaigned across the world that all individuals are equal as human beings and by virtue of the inherent dignity of each human person. All human beings are entitled to their human rights without discrimination of any kind, such of race, language, culture, religion, etc.  They were introduced to and protect the dignity of all human beings. Establishing a language takes nearly a thousand years so we should make necessary efforts to preserve it. This day is celebrated to recognize the achievements and basic values of the indigenous communities and to voice their rights. In Nepal too, the governments should put this vitally important concern on the high agenda.”

From the chair, NINFA President Arun K. Tamang said, “On behalf of team NINFA, I would like to welcome and thank all for your gracious presence and enthusiastic participation. I would like to pay compliments on all including the generous title sponsors, platinum sponsors, gold sponsors, media, community organisations, community members, and the young and gifted fashion parade performers who are the unofficial brand ambassador of the coming event. I also would like to thank the noted choreographer Bhim Shamsher Gurung. I earnestly believe that the community’s support of NINFA is always worthy of praise and gratitude but more importantly, you should act and regard sensibly for your own identity and civilization. We all are proud that we can celebrate this event here in Australia too. There are 59 ethnic groups in Nepal, and they are recognized by the Nepal government and UNO alike. We are blessed we live in Australia where the policy of Multiculturalism reigns supreme. Nepal is a multicultural country. Our community has a sacred commitment to the values of multiculturalism. Our team is indebted to all for your kind presence and respective contributions to prepare us for the last round preparation of the upcoming event.”

The Event Day, participation, and activities

28th   International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022 will be graced by Hon Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians as the Chief Guest, and Kul Bahadur Magar, Acting Ambassador of Nepal to Australia as the distinguished guest. It will see the presence of other Australian dignitaries and community leaders from different migrant groups. This year’s event too will highlight the diversity of Nepalese people and Nepal itself. Several Australian government representatives will be attending International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022. Highlights of the evening will be as follows- Nepalese Indigenous Fashion Runway, Indigenous Bengali Group Dances, Multicultural Dances, Authentic food stalls, etc. The guest artists from Nepal Ful Kumar Bomjan Tamang – a singer-songwriter and social activist and Manu Nembang Guest will entertain the audience.

Views Shared by the Distinguished guests

Former NINFA President Chitra Tumbahangphe, shared with “We are thankful to the media and community members for your gracious presence. We always acknowledge your valuable guidance and support which have encouraged us to perform progressively in the best service of our community and the broader community. We are happy to continue the tradition of celebrating multiculturalism and collaborate with the organizations of other communities to promote multicultural harmony. Many community members from different broader communities are expected to turn up to attend the event. We are looking forward to seeing you all.”

Former Guthi Australia President and the well-known entrepreneur in education, Mahendra Shrestha shared with “We all are proud to be a part of this event that aims to celebrate multiculturalism which denotes the acknowledgment of the many distinct cultural or ethnic groups coexisting in harmony within a society. A multiculturalism society supports the view that many distinct cultures are good and desirable for the overall progress of any society. The multicultural view encourages such diversity. It respects ethnic groups and promotes awareness and understanding of cultural differences. Ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to society by introducing their ideas and customs. Indigenous values are the genuine values and glory of any community or land.”

Also, present on the occasion were the Guthi Australia advisors Mahendra Shrestha who was also the sponsor of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022, and Raju Manandhar, Jit Man Limbu, the former Gurkha Nepalese Community President, and the sponsor, and the renowned community leader Lil Gurung.

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