Sydney, Australia has now become a melting pot of many sporting talents of Nepali origin. Many community-spirited sports clubs of Nepali talents have emerged, evolved,and sustained. They have contributed significantly to promote and advance the Nepali values, culture, and identity.
Established in 1998, a pioneering and renowned clubis Himalayan Youth Club Granville (HYC). HYC is a club of distinction. It has long strived for and committed to bring about positive impacts on life, lifestyles, and wellbeing of Nepali people through sporting and social activities in Sydney, Australia and beyond.
Recently HYC organised a wonderful program called, ‘The HYC Dashain-Tihar Sanjh, 2077 BS’. It was an eventful occasion celebrated among the many of the HYC family and friends at Sydney Metropolitan International College in Burwood, Sydney ( . This was a celebration of its proud history, vibrant present, and an exciting future; a fun night with exciting activities involving Tika, a Deusi and Bhailo Program, and exchange of greetings in a typical Nepalese tradition. The cultural performance of the club members and associates re-enacted the cultural vibes that are often missed here in Karmabhoomi. One of the attendees on the occasion was GNC President Jit Man Limbu.
HYC President Nabin Rana expressed, “While annually celebrating the biggest festivals of our homeland, we are proud to share our exciting journey of more than two decades with all our valued club members and supporters. For me, these are the proud occasions to say thank you to many people for their gracious presence and enthusiastic participation and send the message of good will to all community members for being the part of club’s success over the years. ”
He added, “A voluntary organisation remains alive and kicking if its members make combined efforts towards the club’s common agenda. I take my hats off to the self-motivated club members who have been working around the clock for the club’s consistently impressive delivery and goodwill. Their positive contributions towards making the club an award-winning and leading club are worthy of gratitude and appreciation.”
HYC senior advisor and chair of the Disciplinary Committee Dr Krishna K Shrestha shared, ‘It is always heartening to see the club putting together such an engaging program which offers us an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate our shared achievements and commit for the exciting future to come with the club members, stakeholders and well-wishers. We are committed to transform HYC as an exemplary club of choice. We wish to identify and nurture talents by excellence in sports and harmony in our community through sports and culture. HYC welcomes and appreciates support and commitment of its members , generous sponsors, and well-wishers.”
HYC welcomes all to join hands and be part of making a difference. If you are interested in finding out more about what HYC does and how you can engage, check this website: